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Westfield, NJ

Welcome to WHAT'S NEXT FURNITURE ... where vintage, antique and thrift shop finds are re-imagined with a 21st century twist!

What's Next Furniture pieces are hand-painted, one-of-a-kind creations that will look beautiful in your home.

Choose a newly re-imagined piece ready for delivery or customize a piece you already own to match your décor.

Along with new upholstery and modern fabrics, WHAT'S NEXT FURNITURE uses a variety of paint types, glazes and distressing techniques to transform furniture.

So, explore "what's next?" for furniture pieces  . . .  and "what's next?" for their lucky new owners!


New Web Site Goes Public

Anne Riegel

My newly-created web site goes public today.  I've been referring to it as my imaginary site, but the free trial was about to end.  So I guess that's what decided it! 

I'm not sure yet who I'll share it with, since I'm still working on its development.  Besides creating it, I have to decide how to list pieces that I want to sell ... especially the pricing, if I go ahead with this.

I have added the "portfolio" of pieces I've already transformed, which might offer inspiration as potential buyers look through the (many) pieces I've purchased or rescued that are waiting to be redone. 

I'm not sure yet how I'll want to handle pieces that I am in the middle of working on.  Do I show them along the way, or hold off until they're complete?

So, if you're reading this blog post (I'm experimenting with this feature since it came built in), feel free to give me feedback!  Actually, I'd love feedback about the whole web site and WHAT'S NEXT FURNITURE as I start this new venture.

Welcome page of new web site (early August 2013)

Welcome page of new web site (early August 2013)